Chiropractic is a regulated primary health care profession. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose, treat, manage and prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints and muscles), as well as the effects these disorders can have on the nervous system, and your general health and wellbeing.
Treatment helps to restore normal movement that has been lost through injury, degenerative change or poor posture. We treat every joint in the body, including extremities, however the initial focus is often of the spine and the nervous system. We believe that restoring spinal alignment helps promote healthy neural pathways. This gives the body back it’s control and innate ability to help and heal itself.
Our Chiropractors are equipped to treat the whole family, anyone from babies to the elderly. Our aim here at The Elphick Clinic is to treat the cause of your symptoms, not just the symptom itself. We will help keep you symptom free and educate you on how to look after yourself.
Wellbeing for all
Our chiropractors treat the whole family, from babies and children to the elderly and everybody in between! Chiropractic is good for
• Back pain • Neck pain • Headache and Migraine • Sports injuries • Slipped Disc injury • Sciatica and Leg pain • Accident and Injury recovery • Shoulder pain • Elbow and Arm pain • Wrist and Hand pain • Hip and Knee pain • Foot and Ankle pain • Back pain during pregnancy • Wellbeing and Good health • Sports and Athletic potential
Chiropractic combined with McKenzie therapy
McKenzie therapy is an evidence based form of rehabilitation and works extremely well in combination with Chiropractic care.
“Both Chiropractic care and McKenzie therapy are two of the most highly recommended therapies in the field of Musculoskeletal Pain. In combining the two, I have seen major improvements in patient outcomes. Many chronic conditions for which patients have been awaiting surgery improve greatly with this combination of care.” Dr Jaco Lombard
Chiropractic treats and prevents disorders of the musculoskeletal system as well as the effects these disorders have on the nervous system and your general health and well being. Here at The Elphick Clinic, Dr Jaco Lombard, an experienced chiropractor, has a postgraduate qualification in the use of Mckenzie therapy which is an evidence based form of rehabilitation and works extremely well in combination with Chiropractic care.
What is McKenzie therapy?
McKenzie therapy is a form of rehabilitation and treatment where a qualified practitioner will identify a directional preference in your joint or painful area.
What does that mean?
Directional preference is when your joint or painful area likes some movements and dislikes others. Rehabilitation is then planned around promoting these movements. This will speed up your recovery.
Directional preference is often seen in patients who say things like “my back is worse when I sit, my back is worse when I walk, my knee is better when I sit, my knee worse when I walk. I feel stiff in the morning but get better as the day goes on”.
Directional preference may be found in all forms of Joint pain even if you have been told you have chronic pain, hypermobility or arthritis.
Paediatric Chiropractic Care
The importance of Paediatric Chiropractic Care is becoming increasingly well known, and there is an exponentially growing body of research to support it!
Our adult bodies function in very specific ways, determined by how we are built. Essentially, our form determines our function.
Babies and growing children have not yet set their form, therefore how well they function will lead to the type of body that they ultimately develop. The role of The Elphick Clinic Paediatric Chiropractors at this stage of development is to ensure that this optimum potential is achieved.
When spinal or cranial joints are not moving properly, they are unable to send clear communication to the brain via the nervous system. The nervous system relies on the constant flow of communication to function and develop optimally and so it is important to correct any asymmetry as quickly as possible.
Asymmetry may show up in something simple like your baby’s ability to roll over on one side only, or in their crawl pattern.
Chiropractic treatment, as well as exercises, create balance in both the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system which can then go on to positively affect the body and mind from your child’s ability to focus within the classroom to how they perform on the sports field.
The Elphick Clinic Paediatric Chiropractors will assess any concerns to see if they are related to, or worsened by joint dysfunction and faulty neural communication.
Our Paediatric Chiropractors are trained to correct and restore proper joint function and communication using specific modified techniques, which are safe, gentle and effective, allowing babies and children’s bodies to grow and function optimally.
A baby’s growth in their first year of life is truly exponential. Their spine will lengthen 50% by their first birthday! Correct alignment during this rapid growth phase will help enable symmetrical growth and the healthy development of the spinal curvatures ~ At the Elphick Clinic we think it really is never too soon to see a Paediatric Chiropractor!
Pregnancy Chiropractic Care
Why should you visit a Chiropractor at The Elphick Clinic during your pregnancy?
Pregnancy is an incredible time, when your body goes through a range of physiological and endocrinological changes, preparing the perfect environment for your developing baby. Chiropractic assists your body in adapting to these changes.
From your head to your toes!
During pregnancy, the change to your centre of gravity can lead to an anterior head carriage, creating tension in your neck and shoulders, and hormonal changes will often affect the laxity of the connective tissue within the feet, causing tension in the arches. Chiropractors at The Elphick Clinic will look after your whole body from head to toe to help enable a happier and more comfortable pregnancy, helping you to keep active ~ So important to your health, your labour and your postnatal recovery.
Importantly, your Chiropractor will also look at maintaining spinal flexibility, and pelvic and sacral alignment. The improved neuro-biomechanics associated with this decreases any uterine nerve interference and reduces torsion of the pelvic muscles and ligaments. As a result, any tension from ligaments pulling on the uterus, affecting its shape will be released, allowing your baby to comfortably align itself in the best possible position for a safe, and easy labour and birth.
The Webster Technique
Chiropractors at The Elphick Clinic are trained in The Webster Technique which targets specific joints, ligaments and muscles known to help with suboptimal positions, including breach, leading to dystocia (stalling of labour). Seeing your Chiropractor at The Elphick Clinic can help reduce labour time, reduce likelihood of interventions and speed recovery post-partum ~ Good news!
At The Elphick Clinic, treatment is safe, gentle and customised to you. We have specially designed beds and pillows that enable you to lie on your front, through all stages of pregnancy, comfortably and safely.